Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Under the bus throw diverted, Printer Nazi

Oh, I saw you try to throw me under the bus. But I didn't let you, Printer Nazi.

When my boss came to my desk and informed me that according to you somebody was waiting for something for 3 months from me, you'll notice that I didn't immediately tattle on you for the GIANT LIE you told. (Because what actually happened is you just recently mentioned this to me for the first time and while said person may have been waiting for these items from our office for 3 months, I have in fact only known about it for a couple of weeks.)

Instead, what I did was calmly forward him the email you sent to me and several other people, any of whom potentially has just as much or more responsibility for said tasks than I do (including my boss), and I noted that that email was the first time I heard about it but that I had forgotten to touch base with him about it and that I would take care of it right away.

Me = 1
You = 0

Eat it bitch.