Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Fucking rude

Guess what's the most annoying thing about covering reception? See below.

You know what? You can wait till I fucking finish greeting you when I answer the phone before you announce in a condescending way who it is you'd like to talk to. I don't care how big a bug or stick you have shoved up your anus, you can FUCKING BE POLITE.

Why do people like this get by in the world? It is not beneath you to speak with the receptionist. In fact, if you had any fucking brains in your head, you would realize that maybe the best thing to do is to be POLITE, even EXCEEDINGLY POLITE to the receptionist. Because if she doesn't put you through, you're not speaking to anyone, you fucking ass.

As evidenced by a friend of mine who was treated so rudely she stopped putting a particular caller through. He never ever got to talk to who he wanted again. Oops, ass-face. He was a vendor too - his money came from that company. How stupid are people? Answer: Pretty fucking goddamn stupid.

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